Monday, September 26, 2016

School's in Session: Drive Carefully!!

by Bethany

Here is my little Public Service Announcement for the day.... SLOW DOWN! We live in a walking district, meaning that the majority of the children who attend the local elementary school walk or bike each morning and afternoon. We walk, and really enjoy it. Even on a cool, fall morning such as today, it is so nice to take a stroll to school with all the neighborhood kids.

This week is actually Walk to School Week! 

Taken from a flyer handed out by my kid's school, walking to school has these benefits:

1. Meeting new friends
2. Going on an adventure and seeing their environment in a new way
3. Less pollution = great for the environment
4. Research shows kids who walk to school arrive less stressed and are more focused in class
5. Exercise! 

When we arrived at school this morning, every student who walked got a really cool sticker, which all the kids were just thrilled about!

Walking and biking to school is fantastic, no doubt about that. However, I have to say that my stress level is a little high this morning. Why? Cars!!! I cannot believe how many people drive so recklessly around walkers, little kids at that. Not stopping at crosswalks, driving in the pedestrian lane, and failing to look before they pull out of a parking lot, were all seen this morning as we made the short stroll to school. It is scary. One of our crossing guards was hit last week (I believe she is okay). SLOW DOWN! Leave earlier if you are in a rush. The worst part, is that many of the cars driving this way pull right into the school parking lot. They are parents!! Before a major tragedy occurs, I hope all drivers (ahem, parents) think twice about how they drive. Also, put down the phone, breakfast, and mascara too... yeah, we walkers can see what you are doing as you whiz past us... we usually catch up to you at the red light...

My family, friends, and neighbors will continue to walk to school. We love it. While we are careful, we only hope drivers learn to slow down and watch for all our school children. Maybe, just maybe, one day these drivers can hop out of their oversized SUVs and walk to their destination themselves. Perhaps that will change their driving habits. Needless to say, after this morning, with extra crazy drivers (even though it IS Walk to School week), I definitely need an extra strong coffee or two...

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