Monday, September 26, 2016

School's in Session: Drive Carefully!!

by Bethany

Here is my little Public Service Announcement for the day.... SLOW DOWN! We live in a walking district, meaning that the majority of the children who attend the local elementary school walk or bike each morning and afternoon. We walk, and really enjoy it. Even on a cool, fall morning such as today, it is so nice to take a stroll to school with all the neighborhood kids.

This week is actually Walk to School Week! 

Taken from a flyer handed out by my kid's school, walking to school has these benefits:

1. Meeting new friends
2. Going on an adventure and seeing their environment in a new way
3. Less pollution = great for the environment
4. Research shows kids who walk to school arrive less stressed and are more focused in class
5. Exercise! 

When we arrived at school this morning, every student who walked got a really cool sticker, which all the kids were just thrilled about!

Walking and biking to school is fantastic, no doubt about that. However, I have to say that my stress level is a little high this morning. Why? Cars!!! I cannot believe how many people drive so recklessly around walkers, little kids at that. Not stopping at crosswalks, driving in the pedestrian lane, and failing to look before they pull out of a parking lot, were all seen this morning as we made the short stroll to school. It is scary. One of our crossing guards was hit last week (I believe she is okay). SLOW DOWN! Leave earlier if you are in a rush. The worst part, is that many of the cars driving this way pull right into the school parking lot. They are parents!! Before a major tragedy occurs, I hope all drivers (ahem, parents) think twice about how they drive. Also, put down the phone, breakfast, and mascara too... yeah, we walkers can see what you are doing as you whiz past us... we usually catch up to you at the red light...

My family, friends, and neighbors will continue to walk to school. We love it. While we are careful, we only hope drivers learn to slow down and watch for all our school children. Maybe, just maybe, one day these drivers can hop out of their oversized SUVs and walk to their destination themselves. Perhaps that will change their driving habits. Needless to say, after this morning, with extra crazy drivers (even though it IS Walk to School week), I definitely need an extra strong coffee or two...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

  You Want Me to Sew What?
By Jessica

It’s been a while since I have written anything. Life has gotten crazy with learning to sew, starting fall activities with my little toddler and my husband leaving for Nebraska for work. He will be gone for a month. I’m on day three of being a temporary single parent. I feel like I will have a whole new appreciation for single parents once my husband returns.

Well since my first sewing post I had three more lessons. The Nanny is an amazing teacher who has taught me so much already. The first thing that was eye opening is when she suggested we make an outfit for my daughter as my first project. I was shocked when she mentioned a whole outfit. I even said “Are you sure that will be easy enough?”.  I mean I know nothing about sewing an entire outfit!

 To my surprise she introduced me to Easy Stitch ‘n Save by McCalls
 All you do is pick an outfit you like and buy the packet. This packet will include the template of the outfit you want to sew. Just buy the fabric you want and use the template to cut out your outfit. Now I don’t need to freak out about making on arm longer than the other. If I had known this I might have tried to learn years ago.

In the last three days I have cut out my outfit template.  I also pinned the pieces to together and even sewn most of my daughter shirt.  I don’t want you to think I know what the hell I’m doing because I don’t! I made a million mistakes and Nanny is so patient with me. My mistakes have been not putting my bobbin into the machine correctly, not sewing in a straight line and forgetting to put my needle down into the fabric when I stop sewing (this keeps me in place). Let’s not even get me started how it took almost an entire second lesson to find the best stitch on the sewing machine. Who knew there were so many different stitches.

But even with all the mistakes and sewing imperfections I still feel so accomplished. I never imagined I would learn to sew and make my daughter an outfit. Before becoming a SAHM I never had time to learn. I spent my evenings lesson planning, grading and working on IEPs. Being a SAHM has some perks I finally have a little bit of time to learn a new craft for myself.

Since my husband is away I started having my coffee in his favorite mug. I may not give it back to him when he comes home.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

What is a Bobbin? The Clueless Sewing Mom
by Jessica

Now that I am the proud mother of a toddler, I decided this would be the perfect time to learn to sew. I know that sounds crazy I can barely drink an entire cup of coffee each morning. The truth is, I’m not artistic or crafty. I’ve never sewn a day in my life. But I’ve always wanted to make my own curtains and decorative pillows. When a friend or family member gives me a handmade gift or even just hems my clothes, I’m always jealous.  So I have decided that it’s time for me to stop asking others to make and fix things and learn how to do it myself! I want to be one of those moms that can make my daughter a Halloween costume (maybe next year) or new pillows for her room. Of course saying this is a lot easier than doing it!

Once I told my husband my plan, he jumped all in. He even went to the store and purchased me a sewing machine. When we brought the machine home, I stared at the machine and a wave a panic set in. I have no idea what any of these knobs do! How much fabric do you need? What is a bobbin?! Can I sew in a straight line without using a ruler? The thoughts wouldn’t stop.  My solution to this new fear was to read the directions which only made it worse.

So I did what any clueless woman with a sewing machine does. I called my husband's grandmother, the Nanny. This woman can knit, sew and upholster. She does it all. I honestly think everyone has the one relative who can sew or bake. Well, today she came over to give me my first lesson which we planned to happen during my daughter’s nap time.

I must admit that I am quite proud of myself for the first lesson. Nanny taught me how to thread a needle, fill a bobbin and I even sewed a piece of fabric.
Can I tell you how great it was to sew on my machine! When I say I knew nothing I’m not kidding. Nanny would tell me to lift the needle and I had no idea what she was talking about. I even learned that there are different stitches and lengths! This was eye opening for me. After today I have now decided that Nanny will be coming over once a week to continue my lessons.

I’m on the path to being the mom who can sew!

So shocker of the day I had no coffee because I went to Zumba instead.  Yup, that’s right I actually worked out. I regretted skipping my coffee after my first sewing lesson.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The PTA ain't like Bad Moms!

by Bethany

Back to school time! After dropping my son off at his first day of school, parents were greeted with platters of bagels, muffins, scones, Dunkin Donuts coffee, juice, and more, all in front of the beaming faces of the PTA moms. Stereotypical? Sort of. Was I the only one waiting for Christina Applegate and Mila Kunis to show up? Probably not...

While the dads (yes, go away dads) scarfed down endless breakfast carbs, the moms were busying themselves in an attempt to decide, Do I join? Do I volunteer? What Twilight Zone am I in right now?! It certainly is a weird feeling to find yourself suddenly A MOM at a PTA meeting. 

I sure felt as though I didn't belong. Even though I did, and do. I am now officially a member of my kid's school's PTA. Not sure how exactly that happened, but it did! While I almost signed up for mundane opportunities such as Gardening or Book Fair, I think I'll wait. After all, I never got my coffee. Or my mini-scone. Or that mysterious red liquid... dammit! 

No coffee (or anything) for this newbie PTA mama today...

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Oh, Daddy a Plane! Look!
By Jessica

 This weekend we had a family day at the New York Air Show.  My husband and his dad who is in the Air Force love planes. Which means my little girl loves them too. I always get nervous when we take F for a whole day event since I keep her on a tight schedule. But I have to admit when she loves an activity she doesn’t mind skipping a nap.  To begin with Saturday was a beautiful day to see an air show.  The actual air show started at 12:00 but we got there early to find a seat and to have time to look at the planes they had on display.  I’m glad we did about 20,000 people attended last year. Since my father-in-law works at the base the air show was being held we had some perks.  The best was skipping the long line at security to get in!  I mean who wants to stand on a long line with a toddler.  When we got into the event my little one went inside the cockpit of a C-17. She absolutely loved it.  The buttons and dials she wanted to touch were endless.
When the show started, she pointed shouted “Oh, Daddy a plane! Look!”. I don’t know who loved it more my daughter or husband.  This air show is great for all ages. They have a huge selection of food and drink vendors that the lines can go quickly.  If you have a child who can’t sit still or gets bored watching the planes, then taking them to play in a bounce house or even climb a rock wall is a great distraction. By the time the show ended at 4:00 little F was exhausted and couldn’t wait to go home.
My own recommendations for anyone taking a toddler to an air show are to bring the following chairs (with umbrellas to block the sun), stroller, snacks, water, sunscreen, kids earmuffs and plenty of water.
Since we had an early morning Starbucks Coffee was required.  I had my favorite a Grande Carmel Macchiato.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Independent play, Captain America and Hulk...

by Bethany

I am so excited that has published my article on the importance of independent play! My kids are (usually!) wonderful at playing by themselves, as well as with each other. They both have truly amazing imaginations. 

Recently, I was listening in on J's conversation between his "guys". It is so funny the stuff these kids come up with! I mention it in my article.

Read more about independent play and the incident between Captain America and Hulk here.
Make sure to like on Facebook, too! 

When independent play is in session, I love to sit down with my favorite blend of coffee, Nantucket (I can pretend I am sitting on the shore until my kids snap me out of it)!