Sunday, September 11, 2016

What is a Bobbin? The Clueless Sewing Mom
by Jessica

Now that I am the proud mother of a toddler, I decided this would be the perfect time to learn to sew. I know that sounds crazy I can barely drink an entire cup of coffee each morning. The truth is, I’m not artistic or crafty. I’ve never sewn a day in my life. But I’ve always wanted to make my own curtains and decorative pillows. When a friend or family member gives me a handmade gift or even just hems my clothes, I’m always jealous.  So I have decided that it’s time for me to stop asking others to make and fix things and learn how to do it myself! I want to be one of those moms that can make my daughter a Halloween costume (maybe next year) or new pillows for her room. Of course saying this is a lot easier than doing it!

Once I told my husband my plan, he jumped all in. He even went to the store and purchased me a sewing machine. When we brought the machine home, I stared at the machine and a wave a panic set in. I have no idea what any of these knobs do! How much fabric do you need? What is a bobbin?! Can I sew in a straight line without using a ruler? The thoughts wouldn’t stop.  My solution to this new fear was to read the directions which only made it worse.

So I did what any clueless woman with a sewing machine does. I called my husband's grandmother, the Nanny. This woman can knit, sew and upholster. She does it all. I honestly think everyone has the one relative who can sew or bake. Well, today she came over to give me my first lesson which we planned to happen during my daughter’s nap time.

I must admit that I am quite proud of myself for the first lesson. Nanny taught me how to thread a needle, fill a bobbin and I even sewed a piece of fabric.
Can I tell you how great it was to sew on my machine! When I say I knew nothing I’m not kidding. Nanny would tell me to lift the needle and I had no idea what she was talking about. I even learned that there are different stitches and lengths! This was eye opening for me. After today I have now decided that Nanny will be coming over once a week to continue my lessons.

I’m on the path to being the mom who can sew!

So shocker of the day I had no coffee because I went to Zumba instead.  Yup, that’s right I actually worked out. I regretted skipping my coffee after my first sewing lesson.

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