Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Think Outside the Candy Bag this Halloween

by Bethany

The pumpkins are out, ghouls and goblins are on display, and the stores are chock full of that delicious Halloween candy. Halloween is almost upon us, and I know I am excited! It has always been my favorite holiday, and is quickly turning into a huge favorite of my children as well.

We greatly enjoy strolling through the neighborhood, checking out all the homemade graveyards, jack o lanterns, and cobwebs that always give a cozy home a spooky feel. Kids love Halloween. They love the decorations, being just a little bit scared, and of course, who does not love that candy?! I know I could go for a bite sized Three Musketeers just about now!

However, no kid actually needs that candy. Yes, it is yummy and our costumed kiddos do expect to get some sugary and chocolate treats on Halloween, but they are often just as happy, if not more pleased, to get something a little different.

There are tons of candy alternatives out there. Some non-food choices include bubbles, pencils, temporary tattoos, rings, bouncy balls, stickers, vampire fangs, and the list goes on. If you would still like to give a treat but something that is not candy, consider pretzels, chips, or the ever-popular Pirate's Booty (yum!). 

Have you seen a teal pumpkin outside on the stoop of a house in your neighborhood, or on a Halloween product at the grocery store? There is a push to make Halloween safe and fun for children who suffer from food allergies, and hence, the Teal Pumpkin Project was born. Children with food allergies, some severe, cannot consume most of the Halloween candy that is given out to trick-or-treaters. This makes the costume crazed holiday not as enjoyable when most treats end up in the garbage. If you see a teal pumpkin, that means that house has candy alternative treats for our little witches and devils.

I think the Teal Pumpkin Project is fantastic, but really, let's all think about giving out something just a little bit different that every child can enjoy (and won't keep them up all night!). My house is already piling up with candy-free alternatives. I just hope they all last until Halloween night!

Coffee with a Krackel is perfect for me right now (they can have the temporary tattoos- I'll take the candy!).

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