Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The best part of my morning is of course making my coffee. It’s the first thing I make before starting breakfast. My two-year-old even helps me make my coffee. She passes me the pieces I need to put together my Bialetti Stovetop Espresso Maker. I’m kind of old school about my coffee thanks to my uncle. So my daughter favorite part is scooping the coffee grounds into the pot. She loves doing it and will flip if I do it instead. Once my wonderful CafĂ© Bustelo is brewing I feed my child. Got to have priorities coffee first! Without at least one cup my day always end up in disaster. It was essential I had a cup to tackle a big project that could end badly. My plan for the day was to go through all of my daughter’s toys and remove all the ones she has outgrown in front of her! I know I’m crazy. Who wants to do this in front of a kid. I have no other time during the day to do it and it needed to be done. The first place I went to her upstairs playroom. While she played I started looking through her toys and putting her baby ones in a garbage bag. She actually saw me doing it and never complained at all. I was so shocked I figured she would be pulling the toys out of the bag as soon as I put them in. But nothing! I was able to do the same thing with the living room toys. By the time I was done I had one garbage bag full of baby toys to put in the basement for our next kid. I even had a bag full of stuffed animals she never plays with to get rid of. Talk about an accomplishment! The entire time she continued playing and making a mess. Now that I look back on the day I feel like she thought I was cleaning up. I will admit we did not even have a conversation about what I was doing with the toy. But clearly it didn’t matter to her.

All right enough about my lame mom accomplishment of the day. Really who wants to read how I cleaned out my kid’s playroom.

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